Usually, you'll expect a waiter to deliver exactly what you ordered. But in this Japanese restaurant named "The Restaurant of Order Mistakes, things go different once waiters give you the wrong order. The restaurant only employs waiters with dementia characterized by a decline in mental ability and memory loss.
The restaurant aims to raise awareness that people with dementia Alzheimer's disease are functioning members of society and that they should be treated with empathy. Mizuho Kudo, a food blogger, ordered a hamburger from the restaurant but instead got gyoza (a type of Chinese dumpling). Although she got the wrong order, she enjoyed the dish.
They are also accepting donations through their website to support dementia awareness and cause.
Timings: 11 AM - 2 PM
Address: Japan, 〒116-0012 Tokyo, Arakawa City, Higashiogu, 1 Chome−1−1番4 5階
For donations: Link
Tags: Restaurants, themed restaurants, Japanese restaurants, Dementia, waiter, gastronomy, cuisine, mental health, alzheimer's disease
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