Resident Evil game franchise refers to a science fiction and survival horror game made by Tokuro Fujiwara and Shinji Mikami. The game was owned by Capcom - a Japanese video game developer and maker. The story tells about the T-virus that affected many human inhabitants in urban and rural areas thus turning many of them into zombies Such zombies are furious and will hunt any living within their sight. While many humans are infected with the Tyrant virus, many were turned into zombies. The cities and its buildings are gradually becoming a desolate and a dystopian world where humans are struggling to survive, escaping and fighting the ferocious zombies and mutated animals. Many of the game franchise was successful such as the early resident evil series on the 1990s, the resident evil 4 and the recent game releases.
Photo by Jogos4Gamers
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Tags: resident evil games, capcom games, resident evil game franchise, re4 game franchise, survival horror game, re4 video game, japanese games, capcom video games, japan video games
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