Resident Evil 5 is a game published and developed by the Japanese game maker CAPCOM in 2009. The game was supervised by Jun Takeuchi and directed by Yashuhiro Anpo and Kenichi Ueda. RE5 is a third-person shooter and the predecessor to Resident Evil 4. The plot involves an investigation lead by Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar who were both Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA) agents. The duo was sent to Kijuju in Africa and there they met locals who were infected by the Las Plagas parasite (infected locals are called Majini). They presume Jill Valentine is dead after confronting Wesker.
On the course of their journey, Chris and Sheva have to fight Irving who will later morph into an octopus-like a monster. After defeating Irving, they headed to a cave where they found a plant needed to make the T & G virus strains. Further, they later revealed an underground lab made by TRICELL company that funds BSAA and the plot by the company's CEO to launch the bioweapon missile globally.
Chris and Sheva tried to run after the CEO but was stopped by Wesker and the hooded figure who was later revealed as Jill Valentine under mind control. The pair managed to save Jill from the mind control and pursued Wesker who injected himself with the virus. The game concludes with Chris and Sheva defeating Wesker after they launch a missile at him. The game was a successful blockbuster and sold 11 million units.
Photo by BagoGames
Under license by Creative Commons
Tags: japanese games, japanese video games, capcom games, resident evil 5, re5, video games, capcom video games, capcom, resident evil series
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