Masao Ohtake’s Hinamatsuri manga, which was first launched last 2009 at Enterbrain's Fellows! Magazine, will become an animated show on the spring of April 2018. The story revolves around the super-powered girl Hina and Nitta, both young members of Yakuza. However, they ended up living in the same apartment when Hina surprisingly came into Nitta’s room and threatens him with her extraordinary powers, which allows her to move things.
On the Christmas of 2017, the official website for animated television released the Masao Ohtake's Hinamatsuri promotional video, which disclosed all the main cast, wherein Takako Tanaka will act as Hina; Yoshiki Nakajima as Yoshifumi Nitta; Rie Murakawa as Anzu; Kaede Hondo as Hitomi Mishima.
Tags: anime, manga, masao ohtake hinamatsuri, hina, nitta, yakuza, anzu, hitomi mishima
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