Hanasekeru Seishonen is a Manga or Japanese comic or cartoon series. Its plot revolves around the fourteen-year-old Kajika Burnsworth. She is the daughter of Harry Burnsworth - a wealthy industrialist. Harry sent his daughter to Japan to study and was soon called back into New York. He then set up a marriage game where Kajika would choose the fitting husband among the 4 bachelors that Harry handpicked.
Lee-Leng Huang, a childhood friend of Kajika, is tasked to help the bachelorette find a suitable husband. On the course of marriage search and game, Kajika met the first bachelor - Eugene Alexandr De Volkan who resembled an uncanny semblance to her deceased leopard. The second is the Prince Rumaty Ivan of Raginei country, the third - Carl Rosenthal from a family of business owners.
Eventually, all were caught in the chaos of Prince Rumaty's country where coup d'etat occurred. The four bachelors were trapped in the country's borders. The story reached its conclusion when the destiny was revealed to Kajika and therefore ending the marriage game.
Photo by Seph
Licensed under Creative Commons
Tags: Hanasekeru Seishonen, Japanese anime, Manga, Japanese Comic, Japanese Cartoon
July 05, 2022
June 28, 2022
June 14, 2022
June 13, 2022
June 06, 2022
May 31, 2022