On March 31, 2017 the world will witness another Hollywood's interpretation of a phenomenal anime and manga.
Ghost in the Shell is the live-action movie adaptation of the phenomenal manga and anime created by Masamune Shiro, of the same title.
In this new video released by Paramount Pictures, enthusiasts are led to a website (http://www.iammajor.me/) wherein they can create a custom image of themselves using the "I am Major" logo of the movie. The website welcomes fans with the question, "What makes you unique?" They will soon be asked to upload a photo of them and website will then generate a custom image, with a Major Kusanagi feel. Fans can then share the image on social media using the hashtag #IAmMajor.
Tags: popular, movies, anime, film, live-action movie adaptation, ghost in the shell, paramont pictures, manga, major kusanagi
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