Worrying about extra calories and its health impact? What if there's a device that can count calories? That's what Panasonic invented - a calorie counter named as CaloRieco. The calorie counter has been showcased in Consumer Exhibition of Advanced Technologies or CEATEC exhibition 2017 (A yearly trade show in Japan). The machine is a box-like device that features:
*Touchscreen display on top,
*Compartment where you can place a food plate.
*Breakdown of food info into carbs, protein (shown as a pie chart)
*The Number of calories
*Monthly and weekly calorie intake values, food weight (in grams).
*Recommend recipes and the nutritional ratio.
*Connection to an app and cloud server.
*Recommendations from different food services
Technology and limitations
According to Panasonic, the CaloRieco uses infrared technology and scans the vast majority of food except for soups and dark foods.
To use the device, you'll have to put the food plate inside and wait between 10 t0 20 seconds and the analysis begins.
About Calorie
As you know, a calorie is the unit of energy that is commonly used the energy stored in food. When you eat excess calories without exercise, your body stores it as fat which isn't good for your health in the long term.
Market availability
CaloRieco is still in prototype stage before it is produced for market rollout, the machine can give hope to people who are struggling to lose weight, fight diabetes and monitor their calorie intake.
Tags: japanese technology, japanese electronics, calorieco, calorie meter, calorie counter, health devices, panasonic, panasonic products
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